![]() 6345 Balboa Blvd. Bldg. III, Suite 250 Encino, CA 91316 Phone: (818) 344-EYES dongetz@pacbell.net
Vision and Eyesight
Eyesight is simply the ability to see something clearly, the so called 20/20
eyesight. Vision goes beyond eyesight and can best be defined as the
understanding of what is seen. Vision involves the ability to take incoming
visual information, process that information and obtain meaning from it.
Since something like 75% to 90% of all a child learns comes to him via the visual pathways, it stands to reason that if there is any interference in those pathways, a child will not develop to his maximum potential. There are many visual skills which a child must possess if he is going to achieve to his maximum potential.
Two general statements can be made about vision. First, vision is learned. A child learns to see just like he learns to walk and talk. When learning to walk and talk, he has the added opportunity of imitating his parents and siblings. In addition, parents can observe their children to determine if walking and talking are developing properly. Vision development, however, generally proceeds without much concerned awareness on the part of parents. Because of these differences in development, no two people see exactly alike.
Secondly, because vision is learned, vision is therefore trainable. If a child
does not possess the necessary visual skills, he can be taught to possess them
through the proper vision therapy techniques.
Visual Skills
There are many visual skills that! are important for academic success. One of the least important skills is termed visual acuity. This is the so called 20/20, 20/400, etc. eyesight. All that is meant by the notation 20/20 is that a person is capable of seeing clearly at a distance of twenty feet. Unfortunately, how well a child sees at twenty feet has little to do with how his vision functions at eleven inches to sixteen inches which is the distance at which he reads and learns. In fact, it is my opinion that the Snellen eye chart test which measures visual acuity actually does more harm than good. It gives both parents and teachers a false sense of security that vision is normal. There are many other important visual skills that might not be developed even though visual acuity is normal.
One of the more important visual skills is the ability to coordinate the two eyes together. A child is born with two eyes, but he must learn to team them together. Some children learn to do this property while others do not. For example, some children develop a problem known as exophoria, which is a tendency for the eyes to deviate in an outward direction. This is not the same as a condition known as exotropia where the eye actually can be seen to be in an outward position.
During the act of reading, the demand is for the two eyes to turn inward so that they are aimed at the reading task. If the eyes have a tendency to deviate outward, the child must use excess effort and energy to maintain fixation on the reading task. Most studies have shown that the greater the amount of effort involved in reading, the lower will be the comprehension and the lower will be the performance. When reading, the eyes do not move smoothly over a line of print. Rather, they make a series of fixations looking from word to word. When an exophoria exists, each time fixation is broken and moved to the next word, the eyes will tend to deviate outwards and they must be brought back in to regain fixation. Human nature being what it is, the child generally has an avoidance reaction to the reading task. This is compounded by the fact that anything the child doesn't do well, he would rather not do. This is the child who looks out the window rather than paying visual attention. He is commonly given labels. He is often accused of having a short attention span and not trying. He is told that he would do better if he tried harder, but he has tried harder to no avail. He is often labeled as having dyslexia, minimal brain dysfunction, learning disability, etc. Commonly, he loses his place while reading and/or uses his finger or a marker to maintain his place. While making the eye movements during the act of reading, he might not land on the next word, but rather land a few words further on. Consequently, he commonly omits small words or confuses small words. Often, he just adds a word or two to make the sentence make sense. If the two eyes are pointing at the same point in space, a person win see the fixated object as being single. Double vision or overlapping vision (Figure #3) results if the two eyes are not exactly pointing at the same point. Don't expect a child to tell you that his vision isn't clear. He has no yardstick of comparison to inform him that his vision differs from the vision of anyone else.
![]() Figure 3 I have maintained for many years that I could walk into a classroom and pick out those children with coordination type visual problems. They get into distorted postures in an attempt to get one eye out of the act. They often put their head down on their arm, cover one eye with their palm or rotate their head so that the bridge of their nose interferes with the vision from one eye. Another eye coordination problem is termed esophoria, which is a tendency for the eyes to turn inwards. The educational implication of this particular problem is that a child with esophoria sees things smaller than what they actually are. In order to see an object properly, it is necessary to make the object larger. The only means at the disposal of the child to make it larger is to bring it closer. Eventually, the child is observed to have his head buried in the book and still not achieving. One of the tests used in optometric offices is to have the child read words while looking into an instrument called a Telebinocular. The performance is compared between reading with either eye alone as with both eyes together. The difference in performance is often quite dramatic if there is an eye teaming problem. One eye performance might be quite satisfactory, but reading with both eyes together will be slower and many More errors will be made. Hyperactivity There are many theories currently in vogue attempting to explain why some children are hyperkinetic. I am currently involved in a study involving the relationship between the alpha rhythm of the brain, the visually evoked response, visual attention and hyperactivity. The alpha rhythm which is generated in the occipital lobe measures between eight and twelve cycles per second. It has been discovered that children who can't suppress their alpha rhythm are children who can't pay visual attention and are hyperactive. Children who are accused of not paying attention actually are paying too much attention to everything else. The tick of the clock has just as much stimulus value as the teacher's voice. Every sound and every peripheral stimulus distracts this type of child. The alpha rhythm is thought to act like a radar system which is monitoring all of the other sense modalities and must be suppressed to pay sole attention to the central visual stimulus. The alpha rhythm measures approximately 50 microvolts whereas the visually evoked response measures approximately 15 microvolts. Consequently, there is a signal to noise relationship which makes it difficult to appreciate the visual stimulus. It has been found that through vision therapy, a child can be taught to point his eyes accurately and this results in his ability to suppress the alpha rhythm. This, in turn, results in better visual attention, loss of hyperactivity and increased academic performance. There are many other theories of hyperactivity that most nutritionists are familiar with. Some children are especially sensitive to artificial food flavorings and colorings. There also are substances other than additives which can cause allergies which manifest themselves in hyperactivity, Higher than normal levels of lead have also been implicated in hyperactivity. Megavitamin therapy has proven to be effective in many cases. Ritalin and amphetamines have been commonly used in the battle against hyperactivity. I feel that these drugs are very good for parents and for teachers, but not very good for children. The drugs treat only the symptoms and do not get at the cause of the problem. Some children have difficulty in developing the proper figure-ground relationship in their visual system. They do not have the ability to make one object figure and the other objects background. All objects assume figure level and the child is constantly shifting fixation from one object to another. One of the goals of vision therapy is to build a visual space world so that a child can make one object figure and the others ground and then make a volitional movement to make another object figure and the rest ground. Another contributing cause of hyperactivity may be artificial lighting. Television radiation has also been implicated. There are studies that show that when artificial lighting and television are removed from the child's environment, the hyperactivity is sometimes reduced or eliminated. Other Visual Skills Directionality is another visual skill important for academic success. One test for this skill is illustrated in Figure #5. Look at Figure #5 and determine what you see. If the visual reflex is from left to right, a duck will be seen. However, if the visual reflex is from right to left, a rabbit will be seen. This is just one test out of a series to determine the directionality of the visual reflex. ![]() Figure 5 It is just a convention of our culture that the English language proceeds in- a left to right direction. Other languages proceed in a right to left direction and still others have a vertical orientation. Many people feel that it would make more sense if the language proceeded as illustrated in Figure #6. If a child does not visually proceed from left to right, through vision therapy he can be taught to develop this skill just like he can be taught to team his eyes together. ![]() Figure 6 Form perception is another important visual skill for academic achievement. This can best be illustrated by referring to Figure #7. The child is shown these forms one at a time and he is simply asked to copy them. It is amazing to see some of the distortions that a child will make in attempting to copy these forms. If a child can't perceive and copy these simple geometric forms, it is unreasonable to assume that he will be able to perceive the wiggly lines which make up letters which in turn make up words, which in turn make up sentences which stand for abstract ideas. We see children often who can't tell the difference between a square and a rectangle or a circle and an oval. This is also a skill which can be improved through vision therapy. ![]() Figure 7 The Span of Perception is also related to success in school. Many children see just one word at a time with each eye fixation. Reading speed can be improved by learning to see two, three, or more words with each eye fixation. This could be compared to reading through a straw. This is illustrated in Figure #8. It is easy to see the difference in reading for meaning when the span of perception is wide. ![]() Figure 8 The ultimate visual skill is visualization. This is similar to being able to see things in the mind's eye. There are authorities that state that the ability to visualize is very closely allied to the ability to think. In other words, thinking is related to the ability to abstract from specifics and the ability to visualize is deeply involved in this process. Visualization is also a trainable skill. There are many other visual skills that time and space do not permit me to mention. However, it is hoped that the reader will realize from the above discussion that there is a lot more to vision than just 20/20. Conclusion When I see a child with a learning problem, I feel very strongly that there usually is more than just a single cause. For example, when I find a visual problem, if I probe a bit further, a nutritional problem will be found as well. Children often walk into the office eating a candy bar or sipping on a cola or other soft drink. When they are asked what they had for breakfast, the response usually falls in the frosted, sugary flake category or the answer is that they had no breakfast at all. When I am asked which nutrients are important for optimum visual functioning, I respond that the same nutrients essential for the rest of the body are the ones needed for vision. This is because that vision does not operate independently of the rest of the body. In all cases, a diet of high quality, whole, natural foods is important if we are going to be successful in vision therapy. Vision therapy is a learning process and, as with any learning process, learning will be maximized if a healthy body and a healthy mind are brought to the learning task. Bibliography Feingold, Ben F.. M.D., Why Your Child Is Hyperactive, Random House, New York, 1975. Getz, Donald J., O.D., "Vision and Perception Therapy," 1973. College of Optometrists in Vision Development, Post Office Box 285, Chula Vista. California 92012. Lane, Benjamin. O.D., "Myopia," 1976. College of Optometrists in Vision Development Ludlam, William, O.D., "Visual Evoked Response," 1974. College of Optometrists in Vision Development McDonald, Lawrence W., O.D., "Visual Training," 1962-1963. Optometric Extension Program Ott, John. Sc.D., Health and Light, The Effects of Natural and Artificial Light on Man and Other Living Things, Devin-Adair Co., 1973. Skeffington, A.M.. O.D., Continuous writings, Optometric Extension Program BIOGRAPHY Donald Getz, O.D. Specializing in strabismus and amblyopia and visually related learning problems, Dr. Getz is past President of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development. He has consulted to the Los Angeles School System reading improvement program, lectures often to vision training seminars on children's vision and visual problems. As chief consultant on strabismus and amblyopia to the California Oplometric Association, he has lectured and conducted seminars throughout the United States. Dr. Getz was graduated magna cum laude from Los Angeles College of Optometry, is a member of numerous professional organizations, and has authored various scientific papers. Reprinted with permission from The Journal of Applied Nutrition Volume 28, Winter, 1976.
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