![]() 6345 Balboa Blvd. Bldg. III, Suite 250 Encino, CA 91316 Phone: (818) 344-EYES dongetz@pacbell.net A mother and father thank Dr. Getz and staff for greatly improving their daughter's performance in school and attention issues.
Dear Dr. Getz and staff,
We came to you in October desperate for answers regarding Melissa's poor performance in school and attention issues identified by her first and second grade teachers and IEP testing. After your evaluation, Melissa began 6 months of vision therapy.
I must admit, we were cautiously optimistic about the therapy. We believed that Melissa might have ADD based on what the school had told us, the opinion of Melissa's doctor, and the results of independent that we put her through. We were told that putting Melissa on Ritalin might be the answer for her. It would give her the focus she needed to pay attention in class and to do her assignments in a timely manner. Our gut told us that medication was not the answer.
It took some time for us to notice any changes as a result of the therapy. You and your staff saw progress and that kept us going. By the time that Melissa was in therapy for 5 months we started to see a huge improvement in Melissa's homework. Assignments that she used to put off doing and took her hours to complete, were suddenly taking her 20 minutes to do. and she was starting them on her own initiative. We noticed that she was happier and more outgoing. Her second grade teacher told us that Melissa was volunteering to read to the class, and was raising her hand often, fully participating in class. We were thrilled! This was all new behavior for Melissa.
When we were filling out the evaluation form for Melissa's pre-graduation exam, Melissa expressed sadness at finishing therapy. She said that everyone was so nice and the work was fun. She went on to say " Dr. Getz saved my life!" A little dramatic maybe, but we understood that she is aware of how the vision therapy completely changed her life. With Melissa's new found confidence she joined T-ball this past Spring and did really well. She has wanted to play soccer for a few years now, but when it came time to sign up, she couldn't go through with it. She is signed to start soccer in a few weeks.
Thank you so much Dr. Getz for all that you and your staff have done. We are so grateful that we found you.
Respectfully, [ Vision Therapy ] [ Links ] Member, optometrists.org and vision3d.com network. See other Member sites. Privacy Policy Terms and Conditions of Use |