![]() 6345 Balboa Blvd. Bldg. III, Suite 250 Encino, CA 91316 Phone: (818) 344-EYES dongetz@pacbell.net
A family writes that after about six months of therapy, with the dedicated staff at Dr. Getz's office, Jessica's reading improved dramatically.
Dear Dr. Getz,
In October of 1996, when our daughter Jessica, was in the second grade, her teacher asked if Jessica might have a "stuttering" problem. The teacher was concerned that when Jessica read aloud in class, she hesitated between words and had no flow in her reading. Further investigation directed us to an Ophthalmologist, who diagnosed a mild case of near sighted vision and also amblyopia, commonly referred to as "lazy eye".
That summer, Jessica suffered daily with hours of patches over her eye and, in the end, this did not help the problem. About this time, we received her school State Test results and all of her scores were in the 90 percentile range, with the exception of reading, and she was qualified for the "gifted" program despite the low reading scores.
Fortunately, a friend recommended that we begin a therapy program with Dr. Getz, a specialist in the area of children's vision. After about six months of therapy, with the dedicated staff at Dr. Getz's office, Jessica's reading improved dramatically. Her Test scores jumped into the 90 percentile range, to match the others.
Jessica is now in the Sixth Grade and this past summer received the Presidential Achievement Award. Needless to say, we are very proud parents.
We are extremely grateful to you, Dr. Getz, as we know that it was your superb Vision Therapy which allowed Jessica to realize her reading potential...With Jessica's hard work, determination and your guidance, she now loves to read and excels.
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