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Success Stories

The Vision Therapy program is highly recommended. I was not aware of the differences in eyesight and vision until being introduced to this program. The problems my son Christopher was having were beyond my comprehension. I never imagined he was having a vision problem.

Since participating in the program, there has been a drastic and positive change in Christopher°s attitude toward wanting to achieve success in his studies. He loves to read and write and is much more interested in stopping by a book store to purchase a book. I am very proud of his success.

He has shown progress in school and shows great signs of maturity and high self-esteem.

Thank you for your service, care and concern. Keep up the great work!
Billie Jo Thomas

Marie has improved greatly in self-esteem. She is a much happier child and because of this has developed closer relationships with her classmates. Her reading has gotten much better and her determination to read independently has increased. Her grades in the problem areas (science and math) have improved. Her writing has become neater and she completes her class work better. Also, her train of thought while writing comes out clearer on paper, where before you couldn't understand some of her thoughts when she expressed them on paper. We are very happy that we found Vision Therapy. Thanks to everyone!
Kathy Mastakouris

As a result of Vision Therapy, my child has taken an interest in school. Alex enjoys school now, and likes going to school. Before the program, he did not. He has more confidence, and even if he does get an answer wrong, he is enthusiastically willing to get it correct. He is reading much better. He recognizes words more. He can sound out words he does not know. He has better eye coordination. I recommend Vision Therapy. It can make a difference in your child's life.
Elaine Hamilton

Since Justina has started Vision Therapy, her writing has improved a lot. Her problem with her self-esteem is completely gone. Her attitude about herself has changed; she's a happier child. Her homework is done quickly and efficiently. I'm very glad that I could share this with other parents, and I recommend this program to anyone who has a child in need of the extra help to go the extra mile to achieve their goals. A big thanks to Dr. Ettinger.
Lisette Cruz

The Vision Therapy program has considerably helped Jourdan. Jourdan was a procrastinator about doing her homework. She would put things off until the last moment, and getting her to complete the assignment was a chore.

Vision Therapy was an answer to my prayers. Jourdan's reading has improved, and her processing and comprehension of the information she has read have been significantly enhanced. There was a time when reading was an unpleasant task, but now because of this wonderful program, she is eager to pick up a book to read and enjoy! Jourdan can now stay focused until her assignment is completed. She shows a new-found eagerness to learn, which will make a big difference in her high school years. A big thanks to Dr. Ettinger and staff.
Percy Palmer Jones

I highly recommend Vision Therapy because it really helped my child with his concentration and behavior. He is doing his homework faster and his memory has improved.

I thank our therapist for her hard work, interest and concern. I think there should be more information about Vision Therapy for teachers and parents, because a lot of parents need to help their children, and teachers in schools do not have any clue about Vision Therapy.
Manashe Sezanayev

First of all, I want to thank Vision Therapy for helping my daughter Brittany.

When Brittany first came to VT, she had many problems. She made many mistakes, she was a very slow worker, and she never finished her work. Her concentration was bad.

In three weeks working with VT, we saw a big difference in her schoolwork. Now that she has completed Visual Therapy, Brittany is capable of reading through a story, she doesn't get confused, and she understands what she read. Brittany would take three to four hours to do homework; now this is really amazing: her homework is done in twenty minutes. Working with the therapist was great; he made Brittany feel special and good. I truly believe in the VT program with all of my heart.

So I say to any parent whose child might have a learning disability, look into Vision Therapy. It did wonders for Brittany.
Liliana Garcia

The strides Taylor has made are incredible. She was a slow worker who could not concentrate, and it took 3-4 hours to complete homework. Now she stays seated and finishes in about 45 minutes. When Taylor makes mistakes now, she realizes them right away and corrects them. Taylor also loves to read now because she no longer loses her place! She is also very proud of how fluently she can read aloud. We are so proud of Taylor's improvement with Vision Therapy and we can't stop talking about it!
Cathy Cahn

Joshua wrote with a chicken scratch style, and he would not write more than a sentence at a time. Now Joshua is writing two-page essays in a timely fashion.

Last year I felt bad because Joshua didn't like to go to school. He doesn't have any complaints this year, and he's having more happy days. Getting him up in the morning is not a chore like it was last year.

He's more organized with his homework and class assignments. He reads on his own much more now. There is an improved interest in the learning process. I feel my money has been well spent on Vision Therapy.
Barbara Henderickson

Before beginning Vision Therapy, Jonathan seemed out of focus in terms of being able to concentrate on assignments, research and reading for long periods. Since we started VT, I've seen significant improvement in all areas. He even gets his home assignments done before I ask, and has more time to do other things he enjoys.

I recommend Vision Therapy to all parents.

I know Jonathan agrees with me. Keep up the good job you are all doing.

Ever since my son started Vision Therapy his self-esteem has improved tremendously. He is more self-confident and secure in certain situations, e.g., classroom, around peers, expressing his opinions on certain subjects. His homework is now completed in a shorter period of time, and just this past summer, he was able to read three novels and complete three book reports in one month. I would recommend Vision Therapy to anyone who has a child who is easily frustrated with schoolwork and homework.
Marilyn Velez

After Andrew completed Vision Therapy, we observed remarkable improvement in his schoolwork. He feels much better about himself now. You can see the enthusiasm and the effort that was not there before. Now he completes his homework with ease. His teacher also reported that he is doing much better in class.

Thank you for Vision Therapy and for the changes the program brought to my son's life.
Lorenzo Soleyn

Vision Therapy has helped Darnell in many areas of his life. He is able to concentrate more with his homework. He can focus more and complete it in a shorter span. He is now able to copy all his homework assignments from the board. He enjoys reading more than before. He even improved on his behavior overall. He is more organized.

He enjoyed the program very much. His memory has improved tremendously, and he is more motivated.

I would and have recommended Vision Therapy to some of my friends.
Jennifer Jordan

Before my daughter Faith entered Vision Therapy, she had poor concentration, low self-esteem and poor study skills. She did not ask questions in class if she did not understand the material. Now, as a result of completing VT, I have seen a great improvement in her concentration, self-esteem and study habits. I would definitely recommend VT.
Lorraine Hill

When my son Josef first came to the Vision Therapy program, he scored very low on the IQ test. This made us very concerned. During Vision Therapy, we worked with him and at first we could not appreciate any change. Then came testing time and lo and behold, my son°s test scores had jumped over 60 points. But not only that, he scored well above his age level in many areas. I still can°t believe it. Dr. Ettinger and his Vision Therapy program is a Godsend. I am confident that my son will do well at Yeshiva this year!
Matanya Aberra

We came to Dr. Ettinger because we were frustrated with our daughter°s, Allegre, avoidance of reading. She was enthusiastic about learning, but reading was like a chore for her. She hated reading out loud, and when she read to us, she constantly lost her place. After five minutes, she wanted to stop and complained of blurryness. The strangest thing was that her grades were very good and no teacher ever indicated that she might need help.

In September, we had Allegre tested by Dr. Ettinger, and he confirmed that she would be an excellent candidate for Vision Therapy. We started therapy in October and ten weeks later we already noticed that she was enjoying reading and not avoiding it like before. We are very thankful.

I have passed along literature on Vision Therapy to all of my friends and teachers, and told them about Allegre°s results.
Alcoff, Allegre°s parent

The Vision Therapy program has helped my son V.G. so much that it is amazing. Before he began Vision Therapy, he hated to read, he was always in trouble in school because he did not copy down the homework completely, and so he was always missing work. His teacher would call the house at least three times a week to complain about V.G. not having his work and being on detention after school almost every day.

After trying different tutoring programs, I felt hopeless until I heard of Vision Therapy. After completing therapy, V.G. is doing a lot better in school. He now loves to read and his teacher is very happy with him. I°m very grateful for all the help my son got. Thank you so much.

I would recommend Vision Therapy to anyone who has a child with these same problems.

Alteasha started Vision Therapy on March 7, 2000 with very low self-esteem, and unable to concentrate when reading. She would rub her eyes, her head would begin to hurt, and she would become so distressed, she would cry because she knew she had a problem. This child was not dumb or stupid. She was crying out for help. I found that help with Vision Therapy. Alteasha now walks tall and strong, she reads with confidence, and her comprehension has improved greatly. She had a problem completing homework, most of the time I did most of it. Now she says, ÉI can do it myself,Á and she does. Alteasha passed her reading and math exam.

Without Vision Therapy I know this would not have happened. I recommend Vision Therapy to all parents who have been told their child cannot make it.
Glenda Campbell, Alteasha°s grandmother

Endasha has improved in all areas. I feel that Vision Therapy has been worthwhile for her. Working at home is now much better, her homework is done in one hour, not three.

It was a shame that her school looked at Vision Therapy as being a waste of time and money, they were no help. I°m glad Endasha had the chance to understand that she can do school work just like all the other children.

The vision therapist is the greatest; she believed in my child, which made Endasha believe in herself.

Our daughter is a very good student who used to breeze through all her assignments except those requiring extensive reading. Long history or science assignments caused her great anxiety and took a long, long time to accomplish. Since she had Vision Therapy, she has been handling her reading packets easily and È best of all È happily. She has easily reduced her homework time to an hour! Similarly, she is a good athlete È a gymnast and a swimmer È who could never make any team sport requiring hand-eye coordination. She now feels comfortable pitching, and catching, and making baskets. Finally, she no longer gets car sick. Vision Therapy is the greatest.
Daughter°s name withheld by parent request

When I first heard of Vision Therapy and the cost, I said I couldn°t afford it. However, there is no price you could put on this therapy, whether high or low. It was worth every penny spent. Vision Therapy helped Jamila a whole lot. She was interested in school, but she didn°t want to read; everything she did, she made mistakes. I didn°t know what to do. I was talking to another parent one day about our kids° schoolwork and they both had the same problems. Vision Therapy came to Jamila°s and my rescue.

I can never stop thanking you so much for your time and your patience. We love you, Dr. Ettinger. Thanks for such a wonderful program. Thanks for your thoughtfulness, your caring, and your sharing. We love and appreciate you. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I am so proud of Jamila. I knew she could do it. I°m so very, very grateful!
Crystal Gilliam

To read more Vision Therapy success stories, visit the national catalog at

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