Cook Vision Therapy in Atlanta, GA

Adult Self-Assessment
Children's Screening

Learning Disability?
Reading & Dyslexia
Handwriting & Math
ADHD & Vision
Gifted Students
Autism & Asperger's
Developmental Disorders
Cerebral Palsy

Vision Therapy
7 Visual Abilities
Who Benefits?
Success Stories
Scientific Research

Lazy Eye (Amblyopia)
Convergence Insufficiency
Closed Head Injury
Concussion or Stroke

Simple Exercises

What is Vision Therapy?
Vision Therapy is like physical therapy for the eyes, teaching you to coordinate your eyes with each other as well as with your hands, body and more

Who Can Benefit?
Vision therapy may be used to treat eye conditions such as crossed-eyes (strabismus) or lazy eye (amblyopia) or, in select cases, reduce the need for glasses. More often, however, vision therapy is designed for those who already have healthy eyes or new glasses. Just as healthy hands do not guarantee that you have the hand cordination, strength, and speed to play piano, perfect eyes do more


A Nationally Known Vision Therapy Optometrist
Author, speaker, clinician, and former clinician instructor, Dr. David Cook, FCOVD founded Cook Vision Therapy in 1981. To meet the more

Seven Key Visual Abilities
According to the American Optometric Association, 80 percent of learning comes through our eyes. Deficiencies in the “7 Key Visual Abilities” can add to frustration in learning. In Dr. Cook's office, Vision Therapy is used to train Seven Key Visual Abilities.
Don't Miss This!
To understand how using eyes - no matter how perfect - may be affecting your family, complete a "Children's Eyesight and Vision Screening" and/or an "Adult Eyesight and Vision Self Assessment Eye Test."

Make an Appointment
Comprehensive Eye Exam
Visual Fitness Evaluation

7 Minutes to Better Eyesight and Beyond

Myths of 20/20 Vision


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©2004-2015 David L. Cook, FCOVD, Cook Vision Therapy Center, Marietta, GA